Amon AN %33 - Ammonium nitrate

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Amon AN %33 - Amonyum Nitrat

Amon AN %33 fertilizer

It is a top fertilizer type containing Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen. There is 33 kg of pure nitrogen in 100 kilograms. Half of this pure nitrogen is in the form of ammonium and the other half is in the form of nitrate. Therefore, it can be easily used for plants that prefer both ammonium and nitrate. Since the plant can benefit from both forms of nitrogen nutrients, the effect of this fertilizer is both faster and permanent. It is a fertilizer that can be easily used for every plant, even under various climatic conditions. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer can be easily used at planting time and during the growth and development periods of the plant. While Nitrate Nitrogen dissolves early and meets the nitrogen need of the soil, Ammonium Nitrogen has a long-term effect by being retained by the soil and meets the nitrogen need of the plant in later stages.

Standard TS 836 - EC Fertilizer
Formula NH4NO3
Color & Appearance In white, cream, yellow, pink colors and prill particles
Nitrogen content Min.33% (%16.5 ammonia nitrogen + 16.5% nitrate nitrogen)
Hydrogen %5
Oxygen %60
Humidity Max. 0.5 %
Packaging It is sold in 50 kg bags with polyethylene inside and polypropylene outside


AN 33% Fertilizer
  • It is a fertilizer that dissolves very easily in water. For this reason, it dissolves easily and becomes beneficial to the plant even in arid regions when the soil moisture is low. Its water solubility is higher than other nitrogenous fertilizers (CAN 26%, Urea, Ammonium Sulphate).
  • It is very easy to absorb moisture and becomes lumpy (cake) immediately. For this reason, it should be stored in a dry place and should not be kept in the warehouse for too long. During the storage process, contact with air should be prevented as much as possible.
  • It should not be stored with flammable substances such as gasoline, kerosene, engine oil, as there is a danger of explosion.
  • In soils that do not receive heavy rainfall, using AN 33% as top fertilizer is more suitable than using CAN 26% (calcium ammonium nitrate) fertilizer, because moisture in the soil can dissolve AN 33% fertilizer. However, moisture in the soil cannot dissolve CAN 26% fertilizer.
  • It is a type of fertilizer especially suitable for soils with high lime content. Since 72% of Turkey's soil is calcareous, the use of AN 33% fertilizer is important.
  • In regions with high rainfall (some regions of the Black Sea and Marmara Region) and in case of excessive amounts of irrigation water, it is beneficial to apply half of the fertilizer to be applied at the time of planting and the other half later, considering that nitrogen in the form of nitrate will be washed away from the soil. While it is used as top fertilizer in grains and fruits, it can also be applied in the cultivation of various plants.

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