Amon DAP(18-46) Diammonium Phosphate

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Amon DAP(18-46) Diammonium Phosphate

Amon DAP

It is a compound fertilizer containing plant nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. The first number in its structure indicates the amount of nitrogen (N) and the second number represents the amount of phosphorus (P) in %. 100 kg of DAP fertilizer contains 18 kg of pure nitrogen and 46 kg of phosphorus; Thus, for every 1 kg of nitrogen it contains, there is 2.5 kg of phosphorus. For this reason, it is preferred as phosphorus fertilizer. It is in the form of granular particles in black, brown, gray and off-white colours. Cereals should be given during planting; It is given to meet the phosphorus need of the plant. The nitrogen in its composition also meets the nitrogen need of the plant. If this nitrogen does not meet the need, the missing part must be supplied from nitrogenous fertilizers. Since most of the phosphate it contains (90%) can be dissolved in water, the phosphorus and nitrogen in its composition are immediately ready for use if it finds the necessary moisture after being thrown into the soil. The phosphorus in it dissolves faster than other phosphorus fertilizers. Its effect lasts for several years. If sufficient DAP fertilizer is not given, the roots remain weak, development is inadequate, maturation is delayed, the plant remains stunted, leaves turn purple or dark green, and productivity decreases.


Standard TS 1054 - EC Fertilizer
Formula (NH4)2HPO4
Color & Appearance Black or brown, homogeneous & granularl
Nitrogen rate .%18 (Ammonia nitrogen)
Phosphate %46( Phosphorus penta oxide P2O5, soluble in neutral ammonium citrate)
Water soluble phosphorus penta oxide P2O5 %40
Potassium %0
Humidity Max. %1.5
Packaging It is sold in 50 kg bags with polyethylene inside and polypropylene outside.


DAP(18-46-0) fertilizer
  • If applied early, the phosphorus in the fertilizer combines with lime and other substances in the soil and becomes ineffective.
  • If it is given after planting, it will not benefit the plant as it will remain on the soil surface.
  • It is a very suitable fertilizer for wheat to be grown in Central Anatolia and transition regions due to the phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients it contains.
  • The most appropriate way to apply this fertilizer to cereals and similar plants in autumn, during planting, is to apply it to the seed depth and in strips with a seeder.
  • In cases where planting is not done with a seeder, the fertilizer should be sprinkled on the field surface just before planting and then planted to ensure that the fertilizer mixes with the soil.
  • When sprinkled on the surface, ammonia loss (nitrogen volatilization) increases. When it is sprinkled and mixed into the soil, the phosphorus in it undergoes fixation (some substances in the soil prevent the use of phosphorus). Therefore, it is most appropriate to give it in the form of a tape.
  • It can be used alone in grain planting, the remaining nitrogen should be completed with top fertilization in the spring.

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