Amon NP (composition 20.20.0)

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Amon NP (Kompoze 20.20.0)

Amon NP (Kompoze 20-20-0)

Fertilizers containing more than one nutrient are called compound fertilizers; They contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The first number in its content indicates nitrogen and the second number indicates phosphorus amount in %. At 100 kilos; There are 20 kilos of pure Nitrogen and 20 kilos (P2O5) of Phosphorus. All of the Nitrogen (P2O5) it contains and most of the Phosphorus (90%) are easily absorbed by plants as they are completely dissolved in water.

While all the nitrogen in compound fertilizers can be in the form of ammonium, some of it can be in the form of nitrate. Since it has high water solubility, it is used with the seeds before or during planting. It is a fertilizer that is easy to apply to the field surface; A well-prepared field increases its effect even more. It is very suitable for mechanical fertilization due to its prill particles. The amount of use depends on the type of agriculture, climate and soil condition. When calculating the amount to be given, the phosphorus need of the plant to be grown should be taken into account. If not enough is given, root development in plants will be poor, height will remain short, ripening will be delayed, fruits will fall and productivity will decrease.

Standard TS 2832 – EC Fertilizer
Formula H3Po4. Co(NH2)2
Color & Appearance Gray colored, homogeneous and granular
Nitrogen content Total%20 (Ammonia Nitrogen + Nitrate Nitrogen or Urea Nitrogen)
Phosphorus %20 (Phosphorus penta oxide P2O5, soluble in neutral ammonium citrate)
Water soluble phosphorus penta oxide P2O5 %19
Free acidity Max. %2.5 (phosphate based)
Humidity Max. %1
Packaging It is sold in 50 kg bags with polyethylene inside and polypropylene outside.


NP fertilizer
  • Since it is a neutral reaction fertilizer, it can be used in all types of soil. Since the soils of our country are generally poor in nitrogen and phosphorus but rich in potassium, the compound fertilizers to be used should mostly be fertilizers that do not contain potassium but contain nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, the use of NP – Composite (20 – 20) will be beneficial for agriculture.
  • In dry and irrigated agricultural conditions; It is successfully applied on wheat, flax, cotton, vineyards, grapes, olives, vegetables, sunflowers, potatoes and citrus plants. It is used as base fertilizer during planting in many plants, especially cereals and cotton. It should not be used alone in grain planting as its phosphorus content is low; A sack of NP - Composite (20 - 20) is mixed with a sack of Triple Superphosphate (TSP) and 20 kg of this mixture is made. should be given.

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