Urea 46% - Prilled or Granular

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Urea 46% - Prilled or Granular

Urea % 46

It is white in color and in the form of prills or granules. It contains the highest amount of nitrogen among the nitrogenous fertilizers sold in the market, with 46 kilograms of pure nitrogen in 100 kilograms. It is a top fertilizer that can be used at all stages of plant development in order to meet the nitrogen needs of plants in all products. Plants meet their nitrogen needs mostly from nitrogen sources in the form of ammonium and nitrate, so they can directly absorb urea and use it as a nutrient. However, in order for this fertilizer to become more beneficial to plants, it must be broken down into ammonium or nitrate. In this respect, urea fertilizer should be applied earlier than fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, especially when used as top fertilizer. In case of insufficient use, the development of the plant slows down, the leaves turn yellow and the productivity decreases.

Standard TS 4837 - EC Fertilizer
Formula (NH2)2 CO
Color & Appearance White in color, in the form of prill particles
Nitrogen content Min. 46%
Carbon %20
Hydrogen %7
Oxygen %27
Humidity Max.%0.5 - 0.7
Packaging It is sold in 50 kg bags with polyethylene inside and polypropylene outside.


Ure %46 - Pril Fertilizer
Automative Grade Adblue Urea
  • It should preferably be used in rainy regions. It can also be used in transitional and arid regions.
  • It can be used in autumn as well as for nitrogen additions in spring or summer.
  • In arid regions, nitrogen loss in fertilizer is minimized if it is applied by burying or mixing it into the soil before rainfall.
  • When a large amount needs to be applied, it should be divided into several parts rather than all at once.
  • It must be mixed into the soil immediately after it is applied to the soil, otherwise, gaseous nitrogen losses occur after the fertilizer remaining on the soil surface breaks down in the soil. These losses occur at much higher rates in calcareous and sandy soils. In order to minimize these losses, it is useful to apply urea 8-10 cm deep. When given in large amounts and close to plant roots and seeds, it has a toxic effect because it hydrolyzes very quickly. For this reason, its effectiveness increases when buried in light soil without contacting plant roots and seeds. It is also applied by spraying on the leaves of apples and citrus fruits. For grains, half of the urea fertilizer should be applied to the soil after planting, and the other half should be applied to the soil before tillering (more than one plant grows from one seed). If it is thrown away before planting, it will be washed away and lost.
  • Automotive Grade Urea is a white, solid, cylindrical pellet. It is manufactured by compressing pure urea crystals in a pelletizing process which avoids the melting and heating of the urea where the majority of biuret is formed. It is an organic amide molecule containing 46% nitrogen in the form of amine groups. It is used in the production of Adblue, which is used to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions. Amon Chemicals supplies this product to North America, South America, Europe and Africa.

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