Hydrogen peroxide - H2O2

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Hydrogen peroxide - H2O2

Appearance : Pale Blue Color

Chemical Name : Hydrogen dioxide solution

Chemical Formulaü : H2 O2

Packaging Type : Can be transported in 65 kg Drums, İbcler, Tanker and ISO tanks.

Definition and Usage:

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is pale blue in color; It is a compound that becomes colorless when diluted. The viscosity value of hydrogen peroxide is higher than water.

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the formula H2O2. In its pure form, it is an odorous liquid, slightly more viscous than water. Hydrogen peroxide is a simple peroxide (a compound with an oxygen-oxygen single bond). It is used as an oxidizer, bleach and disinfectant. Concentrated Hydrogen peroxide, or "high test peroxide", is a reactive oxygen species and has been used as a propellant in rockets.[4] Its chemistry is dominated by the nature of the unstable peroxide bond.

Hydrogen peroxide is unstable and decomposes slowly in the presence of base or a catalyst. Because of its instability, Hydrogen peroxide is typically stored in a weakly acidic solution with a stabilizer. Hydrogen peroxide is found in biological systems, including the human body. Enzymes that use or degrade hydrogen peroxide are classified as peroxidases.

The boiling point of H2O2 has been extrapolated to 150.2 °C, which is approximately 50 °C higher than that of water. In practice Hydrogen peroxide undergoes potentially explosive thermal decomposition when heated to this temperature. It can be safely distilled at low temperatures under low pressure.

Usage areas

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a strong, environmentally friendly oxidizing agent used in whitening, sterilization and the chemical industry. It is a liquid that can be destroyed without leaving a residue, is non-toxic, easily available and has a wide range of uses. Hydrogen peroxide is produced at high quality standards in our facility in Bandırma in various purity levels.
  • This industry, which uses Hydrogen peroxide the most in the world, is forced by public pressure and laws not to use chlorine in whitening processes. It is as effective as other supported KRAFT bleaching chemicals, especially in mechanical bleaching, recycling and non-wood fibers.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is the agent of choice in natural cellulose and organic fibers. It is a substance that is beneficial for whitening cotton, wool and silk, provides high whitening and low fiber damage, and has minimal waste problems.
  • Today, it is used in aseptic packaging, food whitening and preservation, microbial control, hair products and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Shocking chemicals are also useful for swimming pool cleaning, odor removal and as an emergency measure against waste spills in rivers and lagoons. In many water applications, oxidation technologies developed with ultraviolet radiation, ozone or metal catalysts are useful when used in combination with Hydrogen peroxide. This form is the powerful hydroxyl radicals that spoil the taste and pungent odor in drinking water and remove colored dye and a wide range of organic impurities in textile waste.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent. In stabilized Hydrogen peroxide, active oxygen is released very slowly. However, the release of active oxygen occurs very quickly when mixed with metals, organics or alkalis. Due to this feature, it requires special precautions for safe shipment. In addition, users should be familiar with these precautions or Hydrogen peroxide A.Ş. They must be able to take the measures offered by.

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